Planning to retire in Mexico one day, what about furniture?
If you are reading this blog, chances are you have felt the "call" of Mexico. You may plan to travel to Mexico soon, or perhaps expect to be moving there. Perhaps your plan is to establish an inv...
How to Create a Great Mexican Living Room
Owning a condo or rental property in Mexico can be a great opportunity to recreate what you love in your home in Canada or the US, or perhaps, better yet, to do things differently!  Some of us li...
Mexican Furniture, Beauty and Abundance. Enter the Year of the Sheep!
  Chinese New Year was celebrated last month, February 19.According to the experts we are now well underway with the energies of the Year of the Wood Sheep.This year, new wood furniture adds luck ...
5 Steps to Furnishing a Great Kitchen in Mexico
Yes, the kitchen is the heart of your Mexican home. Do you remember the beautiful onion slicing scene in the movie “Like Water for Chocolate?” I do. It seems to me that any memories that invo...
Is Mexico Safe?
I just recently returned from a trip to Mexico. I know there’s ample coverage in the media regarding safety and difficulties for travelers in Mexico. I am happy to report I experienced nothing...
Coastal Mexico could be your Answer
Great summer reading in Mexico or elsewhere While recently on retreat at Wisdom House, I found and began re-reading a little gem of a book, "Gift from the Sea." In it, Anne Morrow Lindbergh s...

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